
Midwest US

The fastest way to still the mind is to move the body.

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Fierce Vision~ Women's Circle

Lawrence - 6 Oct 2024 to 2 Feb 2025
Laura Martin-Eagle

 Our circle is open and we are setting it aflame with our desire, passion, our boundaries, our resounding NO’s and thunderous YES’s.

Let us stand in our power and drink from the medicine of STACCATO. Let us sharpen our edges and learn to cut straight to our truth, our authenticity and our unbounded love. We will dance from our hearts, our bellies our blood and guts, and our deepest devotion.

Are you willing to open your EYES and fearlessly, with Fierce Vision look upon your Beauty, Truth and Power.



Lawrence - 7 Jan 2025 to 13 Jan 2025
Jonathan Horan

 “A warrior is self-oriented, not in a selfish way, but in the sense of a total,

continuous examination of the self." - Castaneda

Mirrors is an initiation into the world beyond self-importance -- into the art of seeing. To enter the world of Mirrors is to take off our blinders and begin to see through the delusions and difficulties that trap us in unhappiness and destructiveness. We start to step back and get some insight into the predictable patterns that sabotage the grace and dignity of our truest and most soulful self.

In the 5Rhythm® practice, we are constantly moving into the most spontaneous, energetic, expansive qualities of our being. In the Mirrors level of the practice, we are given the tools to identify the relentless loop of our own favorite head-trips and the inevitable situations they create. We tear off masks, sheds skins, reinventing ourselves effortlessly, learning to witness our own drama, its roots and rituals. We enter the crowd of characters that dominate our stage whether servant or star, doormat or dreamer, realist or rebel, mystic or manipulator—all divas, and begin to watch them sabotage our funky, fiery, free-spirit. Sometimes we have to stop the world and wonder: which part of me is using my hands, my feet, my eyes, my ears, and most importantly my mouth today?

We all know what it feels like to get stuck, to lose our groove, to get trapped in our heads and cut off from our hearts Seeking the answer within awakens the witness and learning to witness our own melodrama is our saving grace.


Local Teachers

Laura Martin-Eagle Lawrence, Kansas Teaching Since: 2001 Dancing Since: 1997

“We are spirit enshrined in the divine mask of our bodies. The 5Rhythm's practice teaches us to fluidly move between the self and the bigger picture. ”

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Kayla Genevieve Williams Kansas City, Missouri   Dancing Since: 2009

“I came here for the art.”

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Clay Henley Evanston , Illinois Teaching Since: 2014 Dancing Since: 1989

“Vision without action is only a fantasy, Action without a vision is exhausting”

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Karyn Tonkinson Gartner Crystal Lake, Illinois Teaching Since: 1994 Dancing Since: 1992

“The alchemical maps of the 5Rhythms gave me a path to reclaim and reconnect to my body, heart and mind allowing the unique expression of my soul to come through. I am honored to be passing on the power and beauty of this work.”

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Krista Shabtaie (Sweat SpaceHolder) Milwaukee, Wisconsin   Dancing Since: 2013

“It takes discipline to be a free spirit. -Gabrielle Roth”

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